Course offerings
Students enroll in two of the three courses offered, for a total of 6 - 8 credits. (Qualified students may elect to enroll in a third one-credit course, ITT 4956.)
All courses are taught by UF faculty
All courses are UF GPA (no transfer credit required).
Classes are held on the beautiful campus of The American University of Rome
FYI: The courses you take in Rome will cover your UF summer residency requirement.

The American University of Rome
​ITA 1130 - Beginning Italian I (5 credits)
This first-semester elementary language course is for students who have never studied Italian before. Emphasis will be on the development of basic competence in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural skills.
ITT 4956 - When in Rome... (1 credit)
Prerequisite: ITA 1131, or higher
This course focuses on contemporary Italy, with special emphasis on the the city of Rome. Students will deepen their understanding of current events through on-site visits and exposure to a variety of different materials (videos, newspapers, podcasts, vlogs, and more). Special emphasis will be placed on spoken language production.
ITT 3930 - Italian Cinema and Culture (3 credits)
This course is taught in English and is open to all students. Students will study the representation of the city of Rome (including its cultural, political, historical, and artistic landscape) by watching and discussing the classics of Italian cinema. Contemporary cinematic production will be highlighted, as well.
CLA 3793 - The Ancient City: Roman Cities (3 credits)
This course is taught in English. Class discussion will center on the natural topography, sites, and monuments of Ancient Rome from the earliest times until the end of the empire. Class will be held on-site (location related to the week's focus) multiple times during the term.

Classes meet from Monday to Thursday.
Approximate meeting times:
ITA 1130 11:15 AM - 1:45 PM
ITT 4956 TBA (two hours per week)
ITT 3930 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
CLA 3793 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM